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Segment Filters

What is it segment filters

Tanya Moroz avatar
Written by Tanya Moroz
Updated over a week ago

Filters are criteria which make the segment stand out from the rest of the audience.
E.g. a group of male users from the U.S.A. can be made into a segment using Gender and Country criteria.

Age — grouping users by age;
App — grouping users of one or several of your apps;
Country — grouping users from one or several countries;
Device Type — grouping users by device type;
Gender — grouping users by gender;
App Version — grouping users by app version;
Average Session Length — grouping users by their average session length;
Bought Inapps — grouping users who’ve made in-app purchases;
Connection Type — grouping users with a specific connection type;
Inapp Amount — grouping users who’ve purchased a specific amount of in-apps;
Os Version — grouping users by OS version;
Part Of Audience — selecting a group of users of a specific size;
SDK Version — grouping users by their version of Appodeal SDK;
Session Count — grouping users who’ve run the app several times;
Session Time — grouping users who are online at a specific moment.

Device RAM size grouping users with a particular device RAM size (in GBs).

Model — grouping users with a particular device model.

Manufacture - grouping users with a particular device manufacturer.

Days since install — grouping users with a particular amount of days since app installation.

Install Date — grouping users by the application install date.

Moreover, new manual criteria can be created. They can belong to several types:
Boolean Filter;
Numeric Filter;
String Filter.

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